Master your exams with Pre-Trained AI Tutors

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The best experience I’ve had with AI, it feels human.
Matthew Taylor
High school student
A dedicated tutor who motivates me to keep going.
Thais Lopes
Biology student
This can help my students immensely with their studies.
Paula Stobbe
Bootcamp instructor

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Increase your chances and practice for your exams with human-like tutoring sessions and progress tracking. The AI tutor understands your challenges to maximize your learning.

Learn about Tutoring Session

Learn at your time with an AI tutor with personalized and non-judgemental feedback with a human touch that maximizes your learning, tailored and available 24/7 for you.

How it works for students

Available pre-trained AI Tutors

Get the most out of your learning with AI tutors that proactively ask targeted questions and track your progress between sessions, focusing on your weaknesses to help you improve faster.

US Citizenship Test - AI Tutor for the Civics (History and Government) Naturalization Test


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